Faith of Faith-Part II (not quite yet)
0 Comments Published by Jason on Wednesday, January 17, 2007 at 1/17/2007 12:07:00 AM.

Ok, so I said I would further develop my Faith of Faith installment on Sunday or Monday. Today is Tuesday, and I'm no closer to having the energy to craft something moderately eloquent than I was the past two days--grading research papers has drastically attenuated my thinking this week. I promise I will muster the brain power to write a conclusion to last week's entry. But until then, I invite you to check out the entry entitled "Christian Evidences" from January 15th on Mike Cope's blog:
*I couldn't get blogger's "insert link" to work properly. Go figure. It's always such a reliable blog program.
*I couldn't get blogger's "insert link" to work properly. Go figure. It's always such a reliable blog program.
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