Our only travels of the summer took us back to the Lone Star State. On the 9th we made our way to Houston to attend the wedding reception (the wedding was a family-only ceremony in March) for Andy and Jen Dunham. That night Andy and I mustered up a bit of the sleep-deprivation stamina of our college days, staying up into the wee hours of the morning burning CD's and cracking ourselves up. On Sunday, we went to church with Andy and Jen (late service) and then we headed on to Austin.
After living in Austin for six years, it feels like home when we go back for a visit. We squeezed a month's worth of activity into the nine days we were there--hung out with our friends, celebrated our second anniversary, celebrated my birthday, attended a wedding, and celebrated our youngest niece's birthday. See what I mean by not having much time to blog? For my birthday, Janet and Matt threw me a surprise party. I had no idea they'd been planning anything. Janet tells the story of the planning and near slip-ups much better than I do:
Two days after we returned to Memphis, my folks came into town for a six-day visit. We didn't do as much sightseeing as the last time they came down--Janet and my mom did take a Riverboat tour--but we managed to eat at a few of our favorite spots (Oh, blessed Blues City pork ribs!) and enjoyed just hanging out.
Now that things have slowed down considerably I'm trying to tackle my summer reading. I've finished three books to this point--Light in August (read for the second time), (ditto)Winesburg, Ohio, and Darkness at Noon--but I have five to go including Ulysses, which may have to wait until next summer.
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