Musings, Nits, and Praises: The Headaches of an Unexpected Job Search

Musings, Nits, and Praises

A farrago of all things deemed blog-worthy by a music-loving, poetry-writing, humor-seeking English teacher

The Headaches of an Unexpected Job Search

I learned last week that due to a decline in enrollment next year and a whopping budget deficit my contract won't be renewed for next year. On the plus side the school will be paying me through August, so I have a decent amount of time to find another job. On the downside the news comes at a lousy time with our daughter set to enter the world in June, not to mention it's a hassle trying to find a new job while still having to fulfill the job you're set to lose.

I've contacted a half dozen or so other private schools in Memphis to no avail. Several of them are facing similar issues as Harding while others simply don't have any openings for next year. I'm working on getting all the paperwork together to apply to Shelby County Schools and to apply for a TN teaching license. The latter is a red tape headache worthy of a string of expletives. From what I learned from talking with a lady from the Dept. of Ed. this morning, I learned some of the information provided on their website is rather misleading. I'd like to think a state's department of education could put together a thorough and accurate website. Apparently I'm asking too much.

3 Responses to “The Headaches of an Unexpected Job Search”

  1. # Blogger Mick Wright

    I'm sorry to hear that. I saw something about a job search earlier and assumed you were looking for a summer job. Let me know if I can help in any way.  

  2. # Anonymous shaun

    Jason, that sucks. We'll be thinking of you and yours. Best of luck.  

  3. # Blogger SteveA

    Sorry to learn of your situation. I hope you find something that works well for you.  

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