No-Information Voting
1 Comments Published by Jason on Tuesday, September 09, 2008 at 9/09/2008 12:10:00 PM.

I'd like to think that with our access to information expanding all the time that more people would actually take notice of articles such as this one:,8599,1839724-1,00.html
However, I surmise a depressingly large portion of our electorate accepts without question whatever talking points are floated by either party's pundits, content to vote on identity or single issues.
However, I surmise a depressingly large portion of our electorate accepts without question whatever talking points are floated by either party's pundits, content to vote on identity or single issues.
Thanks for the link. Interesting article. Its information like that we should have a chance to learn about. We need to hear the other side of the story too, if there is one, so we can weigh the evidence.