End of the Spear
0 Comments Published by Jason on Sunday, February 05, 2006 at 2/05/2006 01:10:00 AM.

We went to see End of the Spear this evening. Here's a brief synopsis of the movie from imdb.com:
"End of the Spear is the story of Mincayani, a Waodani tribesman from the jungles of
Since I need to go to bed soon in order to be alert enough in the morning to teach class, I won't delve into a lengthy review of the movie. In short, it's one of the most poignant Christian motion pictures ever, and it's a moving testimony to self-sacrifice, forgiveness, and the power of the gospel (especially moving since it's based on a true story). The movie doesn't have a "preachy" tone; the story speaks for itself in many cases.
Check out www.endofthespear.com/
or look for the documentary "Beyond the Gates" that centers on Nate's son Steve returning to live with the tribe in 1995 (also covered in End of the Spear).
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