Musings, Nits, and Praises: Austin: The Last Go-Round

Musings, Nits, and Praises

A farrago of all things deemed blog-worthy by a music-loving, poetry-writing, humor-seeking English teacher

Austin: The Last Go-Round

After nearly a month's worth of scenic drives and sightseeing, we saved the most awe-inspiring stretch of travel for our return to Austin yesterday--the incomparable Texas panhandle. I can't understand why someone hasn't tapped into the potential for tourism in the area. Where else can you drive through vast expanses of flat, brown, sun-baked land while the smell of cattle and oil wafts through your car's air vents? California Highway 1 pales in comparison.

Before we leave for Memphis on Sunday morning, we're squeezing in as much time with friends as possible (we'll be in Austin a few times during the year, so it's not a really lachrymose experience, just a bit bittersweet) and taking care of final moving preparations--loading the moving truck tomorrow, paying remaining utility bills, etc.

I hate the phyiscal process of moving. On "Jason's Scale of Pain and Annoyance," it ranks just ahead of a trip to the DMV (a joy we'll experience in the coming weeks) and faculty meetings, so I'll be ecstatic when we finish moving in on Monday. We're moving into a first-floor apartment so that does mitigate some of the hassle.

3 Responses to “Austin: The Last Go-Round”

  1. # Blogger PiperMatt

    Awesome ... lookin' forward to chillin' at the Mirante homestead, grillin' steaks and watchin' Sox games.  

  2. # Blogger Jason

    Indeed, my friend.  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Steaks? Did someone say steaks? I can smell them cooking already.

    Looking forward to you guys being here.

    Matt, you guys come soon and bring that new baby! I can't wait to see him.


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