Musings, Nits, and Praises: The List

Musings, Nits, and Praises

A farrago of all things deemed blog-worthy by a music-loving, poetry-writing, humor-seeking English teacher

The List

As I'd mentioned in my last post, before I purchase any new books for my summer reading binge, I have to tackle a few that have been collecting dust on the bookshelf since last summer. Right now I'm in the midst of finishing Flannery O'Connor's A Good Man Is Hard to Find. O'Connor mastered the short story genre as few other authors have. Once I finish with A Good Man, I'll be on to the following books:

Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez - After I read One Hundred Years of Solitude a few years back, I decided I'd need to read some more Marquez.

All the Pretty Horses - Cormac McCarthy - I'm ready to tackle the Border Trilogy.

The Adventures of Augie March - Saul Bellow - Henderson, the Rain King is one of my all-time favorite novels. (Thanks to Dr. Long for assigning it for American Novel class back in college.) When I read Herzog a few years later, I was a bit disappointed--it's a good novel, just not Henderson.

Next month I'll also be reading another author bio--Ralph Ellison: A Biography. I'll be contributing a review of the book to a local publication, The Main Street Journal, in June.

2 Responses to “The List”

  1. # Blogger Mick Wright

    Did you see Memphis Magazine's short fiction contest? You should enter something.  

  2. # Blogger Jason

    I would if I could write something besides hackneyed short fiction. I feel slightly better about my poetry, but only slightly.  

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