Summertime Here We Come!
0 Comments Published by Jason on Friday, May 23, 2008 at 5/23/2008 09:22:00 AM.

Today kicks off final exams at Harding Academy. With Memorial Day Monday, the kids have to come back Tuesday and Wednesday next week to wrap up exams. Weird, I know. But by this time next Friday I will have done the last of the tidying up around my classroom and will be ready to bid adieu to Room 214 until the fall (well, August).
Unlike the past five summers, I don't have any big travel plans, which is a bit disappointing. We'd hoped to at least make it to Austin to visit friends, but between budgeting for moving (we're moving to Midtown at the end of June) and Janet taking on full-time responsibilities with the UT Health and Science Center, traveling just isn't feasible this year.
Nonetheless, the next two and a half months promise some good times. There's our aforementioned move, a chance to meet up with the Wisers in Nashville in June, some low key gigs for my band, and a possible visit from my folks. And, of course, I'll get to read.
As I've mentioned on the blog before, summer vacation affords me the time to enjoy novels I simply don't have time to tackle during the school year. (I suppose I could make the time, but I prefer to finish a book in no more than a week.) Last summer I managed to read a half dozen classics--including my borderline migraine-inducing yet ultimately satisfying tackling of Ulysses. I've yet to whittle down my list for this summer, but the candidates include the following:
The Town and The Mansion - William Faulkner -- I read The Hamlet a few years ago but didn't get around to finishing the Snopes trilogy.
Suttree - Cormac McCarthy - It would be my foray into his pre-Blood Meridian work and be a nice compliment to the Faulkner novels.
Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez (yes, I know I'm missing the accent marks) I found One Hundred Years of Solitude fascinating and have been meaning to read this for some time now.
Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky - Not only would it fill the heavyweight spot on my list, it would also provide me some good conversation with the Russian lady who cuts my hair who used to teach literature in Russia.
Goodbye, Columbus - Philip Roth - I've read little of Roth's oeuvre, so I figure I might as well start at the beginning.
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