Legislating Morality
1 Comments Published by Jason on Thursday, August 17, 2006 at 8/17/2006 11:54:00 PM.

“There isn’t anyone to help you. Only me. And I’m the Beast . . . Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! . . . You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s no go? Why things are the way they are?”
One of the aspects of teaching English I really appreciate is that I get to revist literature I read in high school. Although I've always prided myself on my reading comprehension skills, I'm amazed how often a book that I teach speaks to me in a much more profound way than it did a decade or more ago. I guess a little life experience goes a long way.
When I read Lord of the Flies my senior year, I found it to be an intriguing story and could readily identify the symbolism Golding employs, but I never developed a deeper appreciation for it. But when I re-read it last week to prepare to teach it to my seniors (it was one of their summer reading assignments), the truth of Golding's assertion that society's flaws stem from the evil within individuals resonated with me in a way it didn't in high school.
If there is a work of literature that emphatically demonstrates the impossibility to legislate morality, it's LoF. Given the push by some right-wing Christian groups to legislate morality--ban abortion, ban gay marriage--I'm glad to teach the novel at a Christian school. I am in no way qualified to argue the legality or lack thereof of banning abortion and gay marriage, but I do feel like I can assess the usefulness of such laws. I don't condone abortion or engaging in homosexual conduct, but I believe people who seek to make our nation more Christian by banning such things are missing the bigger picture. Changing laws doesn't change people's hearts.
In the novel, only Simon exhibits a true understanding of right and wrong. The other boys adhere to moral codes to varying degrees only because they were taught that civilized people should act in such a manner. For example, early in the novel, Roger obstains from hitting Percival with stones because he remembers being taught that you shouldn't do such things. Roger is the same boy who later sadistically kills the sow and rolls the boulder that crushes Piggy. When he realizes that society doesn't bind him on the island, he sees no reason to let rules and customs inhibit his desires.
In our country, banning abortion, gay marriage, and the like would do little to instill in individuals an understanding of why such things are sinful. Women would still have abortions--they'd just do so illegally. People would still engage in homosexual relationships--they just wouldn't have a certificate to recognize it. I don't believe that Christians should avoid politcal activism, but it seems to me that too many Christians are looking for a messiah in legislation than in Jesus Christ. A more Christian nation can only result from Christians spreading the gospel and living as Christ taught us to live.
One of the aspects of teaching English I really appreciate is that I get to revist literature I read in high school. Although I've always prided myself on my reading comprehension skills, I'm amazed how often a book that I teach speaks to me in a much more profound way than it did a decade or more ago. I guess a little life experience goes a long way.
When I read Lord of the Flies my senior year, I found it to be an intriguing story and could readily identify the symbolism Golding employs, but I never developed a deeper appreciation for it. But when I re-read it last week to prepare to teach it to my seniors (it was one of their summer reading assignments), the truth of Golding's assertion that society's flaws stem from the evil within individuals resonated with me in a way it didn't in high school.
If there is a work of literature that emphatically demonstrates the impossibility to legislate morality, it's LoF. Given the push by some right-wing Christian groups to legislate morality--ban abortion, ban gay marriage--I'm glad to teach the novel at a Christian school. I am in no way qualified to argue the legality or lack thereof of banning abortion and gay marriage, but I do feel like I can assess the usefulness of such laws. I don't condone abortion or engaging in homosexual conduct, but I believe people who seek to make our nation more Christian by banning such things are missing the bigger picture. Changing laws doesn't change people's hearts.
In the novel, only Simon exhibits a true understanding of right and wrong. The other boys adhere to moral codes to varying degrees only because they were taught that civilized people should act in such a manner. For example, early in the novel, Roger obstains from hitting Percival with stones because he remembers being taught that you shouldn't do such things. Roger is the same boy who later sadistically kills the sow and rolls the boulder that crushes Piggy. When he realizes that society doesn't bind him on the island, he sees no reason to let rules and customs inhibit his desires.
In our country, banning abortion, gay marriage, and the like would do little to instill in individuals an understanding of why such things are sinful. Women would still have abortions--they'd just do so illegally. People would still engage in homosexual relationships--they just wouldn't have a certificate to recognize it. I don't believe that Christians should avoid politcal activism, but it seems to me that too many Christians are looking for a messiah in legislation than in Jesus Christ. A more Christian nation can only result from Christians spreading the gospel and living as Christ taught us to live.
I agree with you 100%! That's why I find it so bothersome that politics are being preached in the pulpits. We are told to support the republican party because they preach morals. Please!