The Mars Bar Mystery
1 Comments Published by Jason on Tuesday, September 05, 2006 at 9/05/2006 11:13:00 PM.

Yesterday as I was watching an episode of American Eats that focused on candy bars, I thought, "What the heck ever happened to Mars bars?" When I used to get a hankering for one, a Mars Bar was my bar of choice--chocolate, nougat, and almonds. Delightful. A few years ago I noticed that Mars Bars had vanished from the racks of convenient stores everywhere. How could Mars, Inc. stop producing such a delectable treat? I'd generally only ponder the question long enough to spot a Mr. Goodbar and go on my merry way. But last night's show provoked me to do a little research. As it turns out, Mars Bars still exist--they're now Snickers Almond. Who knew? Mars, Inc. still sells Mars Bars in other countries, but they don't have almonds.
I'm off to the nearest gas station.
I'm off to the nearest gas station.
I just watched the same show and wondered the same thing!! It was my favorite candy bar and realized that it was gone. I ate the snickers with almonds and figured it was the same thing. I guess it tastes the same, it's been a really long time since I ate the actual Mars Bar.